It has been a good three months since I last posted. Three months flew by! My absence has been somewhat reflective of my mental and physical state: just trying to recover from the season, while keeping up with the rest of my life. None the less, my days have been filled with dreams of snow. I am dripping with envy everytime I sign on facebook and see a new picture or post from Mt. Hood or Argentina.
I left off in May with my wrist in a red cast. The cast came off around finals at the end of June with my bone "65%" healed. The tan was one in a million.

I was released into the world with a splint. I moved back to CT to start my summer job after an amazing week backpacking with the greatest group of campers ever.
The daily attire switched quickly from camp rally
to business casual.

I filled my days with crossfit workouts
and paleo dinners...

I packed my weekends full of adventure.

We lost a great dog who had been a part of our family for 14 years. (We still miss her everyday, but are more than thankful for the great memories. )
My 21st birthday came and went and I drank my first beer EVER ;)
Crossfit games consumed everybody's* lives
*(aka the small community of Crossfit Stamford)
And I've gotten lots of good time with family and friends.

And now, here I am, halfway through summer... I like to say I've grown and gotten a little bit older and a little bit stronger. However, my wrist likes to differ. 5 months later my scaphoid is still broken. Looks like my bones are just about as stubborn as I am...
So the recovery continues. I am taking each day one step at a time, putting any big decisions about my future on hold until I know anything for sure. While being stuck in this gray area of unknown is incredibly frustrating, it has given me the opportunity (or rather forced me) to live in the moment. While the 8:30 to 5:30 office job and 5 am workouts isn't exactly butterflies and mountain climbs and meadows, I am able to view my life through a different lens for a little bit, and there is nothing wrong with that.
I've got plenty of projects on my plate for the rest of the summer, and will be sure to update soon with my favorite paleo recipes, best crossfit WOD, and summer reflections.
Until then, I leave you this little nugget of winter in the dead heat of summer...
Never stop dreaming!
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